
Emotional Wellness Counselling

An important element of emotional wellness is the ability to understand and express what we are actually feeling. We need to identify our emotions and the triggers that make us behave in a particular manner. This is the first step towards eliminating those behavioural patterns which are detrimental for our growth.

She will help you discover ways to nourish your personal values, get your needs met, and develop new emotional patterns to create pathways to personal empowerment and success.

Why should you go for Emotional Wellness Coaching?

The way we feel about ourselves impact our ability to create a healthy and loving life. Our feelings are often a result of our thoughts, both conscious and subconscious. Our emotional state influences our feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Emotionally healthy adults are better able to recover from adversity, trauma, setbacks and stress.

It is instrumental in reducing:

  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Brain fog
  • Depressive symptoms
  • Stress levels
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Emotional eating, food cravings and destructive lifestyle habits
  • Procrastination and self-sabotage

Emotional Counselling through TAROT CARD READING

Tarot cards when combined with emotional counselling help us in making sense of what we are going through, what our anxieties are and what is the best way forward based on our circumstances.

It provides clarity and peace of mind when at crossroads in life.

Seeing our hopes and fears laid out in pictures, it becomes easier for us to know what we want. The tarot reading is a medium to connect us with the right solution.

As a compassionate tarot card reader, she strongly believes that it is a sacred science that can help in emotional wellness through guidance towards a solution for unresolved issues.